Author: Paula Andrea Martinez

Date: December 5, 2018


This a fairly simple web scrapping solution. It saves job ads from as text files in results > data > pages and then, for each job ad a search for sentences is performed and saved in results > data > sentences. After collecting the sentences, the report looks for keywords identified around knowledge skills and abilities (KSA’s) and shown in a table [here][report].

The code is written in R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02), using packages listed in 00_installPkgs.R [here][installPkgs], developed on a x86_64-pc-linux-gnu platform.

Where to start?

  • Want to see the results? (this is meant for users)
    • If you want to see an example of results go to the report folder, click [here][report] to see the notebook.
  • Do it yourself (DIY) approach (this is meant for contributors and developers)
    • If you want to run the code in your own computer, the steps are:
    • You need to download the scripts and the report folders with their contents (all the results files are generated when running the scripts).
    • Go to the [scripts folder][scripts] run the 00_installPkgs.R [script][installPkgs] at the begining of the analysis (this is needed only at the start of the project). This script will set the environment with all necessary packages, and will create the folder structure for the project (below).
    • 01_custome_functions.R [This script][customeFunctions] contains custome functions to search content on the web and do custome filters for This script is called from the main script webScrapping.R (that means you don’t need to run it separately).
    • webScrapping.R [This is the main script][webScrapping] to collect data from It will save the job ads as text files in results > data > pages and then for each job ad, it will perform a search for sentences and save results in text form in results > data > sentences. All the adds and sentences are saved as text with date for reproducibility of the analysis.
    • After collecting the sentences, go to the report and [run the search][reportRmd].

Folder structure

The project structure looks like this:

└── scripts
|   ├── 00_installPkgs.R
|   ├── 01_custome_functions.R
|   ├──
|   └── webScrapping.R
├── report
│   ├── sentenceSearch.nb.html
│   └── sentenceSearch.Rmd
└── results
    ├── data
    │   ├── pages
    │   ├── rawhtml
    │   └── sentences
    │       └── allsentences
    └── RData

Every day is likely to have new job ads, hence the search will store files with the date included in the name. You can save adds on different dates, then run the search of key words in the report when you have the adds that you need (or have selected some of the ads).


You can run the webScrapping.R from the console, from the main folder

Rscript --vanilla scripts/webScrapping.R --help

It will display the needed options

Usage: scripts/webScrapping.R [options]

    -u URL, --url=URL
        URL for search such as [default]

    -t JOBTITLE, --jobtitle=JOBTITLE
        words for jobtitle, use + instead of space

    -c CONTAINS, --contains=CONTAINS
        Words contained in the search, use + instead of space

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

You can either provide arguments or it will use defaults:

Searching arguments
 job title: data+steward 
 contains words: life+sciences 

Once you have data using the script webScrapping.R you can tweak the report to search for your own words.

The webScrapping.R script saves all the jobs in text file with a date, so you can rerun the script many times and look for adds over many days. All the job ads look for sentences, there are other kinds of tokes you can try on your own.