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Git for humans

My code changed and using Git I know where and when

What is Git?

Git is the open source distributed version control system. In other words, it is a program that helps you put a time-stamp to your files, so that you can keep track of all the changes.


These materials are intended for scientists who are learning a new programming language or/and have an existing project with code (in any language) or text files that need track of changes. If you intend to make your code collaborative, bonus points for you!


This short workshop aims to get you started with Git from zero.

Disclaimer: If you already use Git this is too basic for you.

Learning outcomes


  1. This is a bring your own computer workshop, you need to install Git before the workshop (see setup)
  2. Create a free GitHub account

How is the course organised?

The course is extremely hands-on, and includes one hour of lecture in total, and two hours of practical exercises and time to ask questions.

If you would like to follow the workshop on your own, you can go through on your own time, the files are ordered numerically, starting from setup.


  1. Setup
  2. First activity to get to know each other
  3. Slides presentation
  4. Time to code in
  5. Interactive game in small groups
  6. Moving on to GitHub
  7. Extra: using Atom
  8. Find extra resources


This event was first organised for ELIXIR Belgium in 2018.

Creative Commons License

Trainer and workshop materials by Paula Andrea Martinez, 2021. v2 My code changed and using Git I know where and when license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Link to markdown files